Habits are powerful tools in shaping our identity and transforming our lives. The essence of true change is not merely in setting goals or making grand plans, but in embedding habits that reflect the person we want to become. Instead of focusing solely on the outcomes we desire, we should focus on becoming the person who naturally embodies these habits. As James Clear discusses in his book Atomic Habits, the key is to start small and make gradual adjustments that align with our identity. This approach allows us to integrate new behaviours seamlessly into our daily lives, setting the stage for lasting change.

When embarking on a new habit, such as running, it's tempting to set ambitious targets, like improving from 1km to 3km in just two weeks. However, this approach can be counterproductive if it’s too overwhelming. A more effective strategy is to start with a small, manageable action, such as a daily 5-minute run. This small step ensures that the habit is easy to maintain and minimises excuses. By focusing on consistency rather than immediate improvements, we lay a solid foundation for the habit to become ingrained in our routine.

The real power of habits emerges when they shift from being mere actions to becoming part of our identity. Initially, you might say, "I want to be someone who runs daily," but as the habit becomes a natural part of your life, you transition to thinking, "I am a runner." This shift in self-perception transforms the habit from a goal to a core aspect of who you are. The more you align your actions with this new identity, the more effortless the habit becomes.

Ultimately, the goal is to internalise the habit so deeply that it no longer feels like a chore but a fundamental part of who you are. By focusing on developing the habit first and letting the improvements follow naturally, you create a sustainable pattern of behaviour. This method not only simplifies the process but also strengthens your commitment, making the habit a permanent fixture in your life. As you embody this new identity, you realise that the habit has become an integral part of your existence, illustrating the profound connection between our daily actions and our sense of self.

Actionable Insights: #

  1. Start Small: Begin with manageable actions to build consistency and ease into the habit.
  2. Align with Identity: Focus on becoming the person who naturally embodies the desired habit.
  3. Prioritise Consistency: Develop the habit first, allowing improvements to follow naturally as the habit becomes ingrained.


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